Project 5-Drapery


Charles here, and I want to walk you through our Drapery project. First, let’s talk about supplies:

Powdered charcoal

Paint Brush

Hard Charcoal

Soft Charcoal

kneaded eraser

latex gloves

shading tools

You’ll want spread all the powdered charcoal around until you’ve covered your canvas. Pull out latex gloves or their allergenic equivalent and spread it all over the page.

You will also need an image of linen or some type of hanging fabric under light. Change the color to grayscale to bring out the shadows.

When the canvas is covered you’ll want to start making shapes and blocking them in. Once you’ve blocked in your shapes you’ll want to start adding your gradients and softening edges.

Using the hard charcoal you’ll make your deepest shadows. As you move back into the light you’ll switch to the softer charcoal and this should give you a very gradual gradient. Remember, gradients need space to be executed correctly.

You’ll want to add small details to add elements of realism to the work. The most insignificant details can create huge breakthroughs in your work.

spray the piece with hairspray when you’re done.

When our deadline ended we did a critique and discussed our shortcomings, challenges, & triumphs. If you intend to execute this project send me an email and let’s critique your work together.